[ 1968/69 - 1970
- 1971 - 1972 - 1973
- 1975 - 1977 - 1979/80
- Compilations et Studios - Page et Plant
- Années Solo ]
 Février 1972 : Première tournée australienne.
Shivers And Shakes   |
19,20 février 1972, Adélaïde et Melbourne [2] |
Adelaïde : Immigrant Song - Heartbreaker - Black Dog - Since I've Been Loving You -
Stairway To Heaven - Going To California - That The Way - Dazed And Confused | Melbourne : Immigrant Song - Heartbreaker - Black Dog - Since I've Been Loving You -
Stairway To Heaven - Tangerine - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - Dazed And Confused - Rock And Roll
Ooh My Ears Man   |
19 février 1972, Adélaïde [2] |
Immigrant Song - Heartbreaker - Black Dog - Since I've Been Loving You - Stairway To Heaven -
Going To California - That The Way - Tangerine - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - Dazed And Confused - Moby Dick - Whole Lotta Love
Going To Auckland    |
25 février 1972, Auckland [2] |
Immigrant Song - Heartbreaker - Black Dog - Since I've Been Loving You - Stairway To Heaven -
That The Way - Tangerine - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - Dazed And Confused - Moby Dick - Whole Lotta Love - Communication Breakdown
 Mars 1972 : Fin de la tournée australienne et voyage de Page & Plant à Bombay.
 Avril & mai 1972 : enregistrement et mixage de Houses Of The Holy.
 Juin 1972 : Huitième tournée américaine.
Knees Up Mother Down   |
9 juin 1972, Charlotta Coliseum [2] |
Immigrant Song - Heartbreaker - Celebration Day - Black Dog - Since I've been Loving You -
Stairway To Heaven - Going To California - That's The Way - Tangerine - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - Dazed And Confused - What Is And What Should Never Be - Moby Dick - Whole Lotta Love
- Rock and Roll - Communication Breakdown
The Evergreen |
19 juin 1972, Seattle - Seattle Center Coliseum [3] |
Immigrant Song - Heartbreaker - Black Dog - The Ocean - Since I've been Loving You -
Stairway To Heaven - Going To California - Black Country Woman - That's The Way - Tangerine - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - Dazed and Confused - What Is And What Should Never Be - Dancing Days -
Moby Dick - Whole Lotta Love - Rock and Roll - Organ Solo/Thank You - Money - Over The Hills And Far Away - Dancing Days
L.A. Forum   |
25 juin 1972, The Forum, Inglewood, California [3] |
Immigrant Song - Heartbreaker - Over The Hills And Far Away - Black Dog - Since I've Been Loving You -
Stairway To Heaven - Going To California - That's The Way - Tangerine - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - Dazed & Confused - What Is And What Should Never Be - Dancing Days - Whole Lotta Love -
Rock and Roll - The Ocean - Louie Louie - Thank You - Communication Breakdown - Bring It On Home
Silently Ravaging America   |
25 juin 1972, The Forum, Inglewood - California [2] |
Immigrant Song - Heartbreaker - Over The Hills And Far Away - Black Dog -
Since I've Been Loving You - Stairway To Heaven - Going To California - That's The Way - Tangerine - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - What Is And What Should Never Be - Dancing Days - Dazed and Confused -
Moby Dick - Whole Lotta Love - Rock'n Roll
 Octobre 1972 : Deuxième tournée japonaise.
Dancing Days  |
2 octobre 1972, Budokan - Tokyo - Japan [2] |
Rock'n Roll - Over The Hills And Far Away - Black Dog - Misty Mountain Hop - Since I've Been Loving You -
Dancing Days - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - The Song Remains The Same - The Rain Song - Dazed & Confused - Stairway To Heaven - Whole Lotta Love (I Can't Quit You Baby) - Heartbreaker -
Immigrant Song / Communication Breakdown
Live in Tokyo  |
3 octobre 1972, Budokan - Tokyo - Japan [2] |
Rock and Roll - Over The Hills And Far Away - Black Dog - Misty Mountain Hop - Since I've Been Loving You -
Dancing Days - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - The Song Remains The Same - Stairway To Heaven - Dazed & Confused - Whole Lotta Love - Heartbreaker
 Novembre 1972 : Grosse tournée anglaise
Stuck On You |
4 décembre 1972, Glasgow - Scotland [2] |
Rock and Roll - Over The Hills And Far Away - Black Dog - Misty Mountain Hop - Since I've Been Loving You -
Dancing Days - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - The Song Remains The Same - The Rain Song - Dazed and Confused - Stairway To Heaven - Whole Lotta Love - Heartbreaker
[ 1968/69 - 1970
- 1971 - 1972 - 1973
- 1975 - 1977 - 1979/80
- Compilations et Studios - Page et Plant
- Années Solo ]